Start zum 10. BioRiver Boost! 2023 // 01. 06.2023
Zum 10ten Mal laden wir in diesem Jahr Gründungsprojekte und Start-ups ein, unseren Start-up Wettbewerb BioRiver Boost! als Türöffner in ein hochkarätiges Industrie- und Unternehmensnetzwerk zu nutzen. Ab dem 1. Juni sind Projekte und junge Unternehmen zur...
Get to know highly innovative startup projects and their teams, exchange ideas about the diverse ideas from the Life Sciences, Biotech and Agtech sectors and make new contacts with interesting people.
Most importantly, we invite you to join in the excitement when it’s said:
„And the winner of BioRiverBoost2023 is …“.
You can look forward to:
🔆 innovative company tours
🔆 a delicious lunch at the Tropicarium
🔆 personal networking with industry experts and investors after lunch
Of course, interesting morning presentations and panel discussions are not to be missed. Agenda:
BioRiverBoost2023 – The Event 🎉
September 22, 2023 I Bayer | Crop Science, Monheim, Germany
Register now:
We are looking forward to you and an unforgettable even!