BioRiver Boost! – competition for best business contacts

BioRiver Boost! was started by the BioRiver board in 2014 with the intention to support young entrepreneurs in life sciences by feedback from the market and a useful and reliable network. In the competition for best business contacts founding projects and very early startups compete for the invitation to present to the jury of renowned industry experts. Regarding the last years’ jury a winning team stated:

“I thought the jury was super qualified, […] it was one of the most top-class juries we were allowed to present in front of!”

In 2023 the jury of eight experts will again choose the best team for the BioRiver Boost! award. But before that, each of eight finalists will present to the jury and the audience and will get helpful questions and advices and the good feeling to be heard and taken serious by the industry.

10th BioRiver Boost! 2023 I Easy online application:
Application period until 15 August 2023 I
BioRiver Boost!: 22 September 2023 at Bayer Crop Science I

Apply now!


Start zum 10. BioRiver Boost! 2023 // 01. 06.2023

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