Biotechnological applications for the future: These startups impressed at the tenth anniversary of the BioRiver Boost! 2023 competition

The winners of the 10th BioRiver Boost! 2023 have been determined.
The 1st place was won by Akribion Genomics from Zwingenberg, Germany.
The company is developing CRISPR nucleases into a new class of genetics-based cancer therapies and genome editing tools. Second and third place went to Cologne-based Plantman and Ningaloo Biosystems GmbH .

With its Startup competition, BioRiver-Life Science im Rheinland e.V. aims to strengthen very young startups and founding projects. With the #Competition, the association enables and promotes access to renowned experts from the life science industry and to capital providers as well as the visibility and networking of promising start-up projects.

The full-day final event of the two-part competition took place (hybrid) on September 22, 2023 at the LifeHub of Bayer | Crop Science in Monheim. A total of eight shortlist candidates presented themselves in short presentations to the top-class jury. After intensive deliberation, the expert panel of renowned top representatives from the globally active life science groups Bayer, QIAGEN, Miltenyi Biotec, Lonza, Janssen-Cilag/Johnson&Johnson as well as NRW.BANK and HTGF | High-Tech Gründerfonds announced the winners.

Honorary juror was Prof. Dr. Detlev Riesner, successful founding father and business angel in #biotechnology, Emeritus of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf.

🗞 Background, winning voices and details about the event can be found here:

What you also shouldn’t miss are the pitches:

1st place: Akribion Genomics, Zwingenberg, Germany.
Pitch presentation:

2nd place: Plantman, CECAD Cologne, CEPLAS – Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences , Cologne
Pitch presentation:

3rd place: Ningaloo Biosystems GmbH , Cologne
Pitch presentation:

„We warmly congratulate the three winners and are pleased that so many excellent and innovative start-up projects from Germany and Europe applied again this year,“ said Frauke Dr. Hangen, Dipl.- Ing., Managing Director of the industry association BioRiver e.V..
„… Looking back, it makes me particularly proud to see that our focus on life sciences has proven itself, and that the competition has been able to develop further and further over the past years. … “

We would like to thank all participants for the great anniversary year – It was a celebration for us! 💚 💙

Photos: BioRiver e.V.


Monheim, DEU, 22.09.2023
<> on September 22, 2023 in Monheim, DEU, Deutschland, Germany.
Foto: Bernd Lauter/

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