Erfahren Sie vom 13. bis 15. November 2024 bei uns im Haus mehr über neueste Fortschritte beim De-novo-Design von Biosynthesewegen des Primär- und Sekundärstoffwechsels und das Protein-Engineering für neue enzymatische Routen. Führende Expert:innen halten die Keynotes:
- Hal Alper (The University of Texas at Austin, USA) Unlocking Metabolic Potentials in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Elke Dittmann (Universität Potsdam, Deutschland) Harnessing the potential of cyanobacteria for the production of bioactive peptides
- Tobias Erb (Max-Planck-Institut für terrestrische Mikrobiologie, Deutschland) Building complex molecules out of thin air: Protein (re-)design meets metabolic engineering
- Yan Feng (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China) Enzyme Design for Efficient Biosynthesis of High-Value Compounds
- Jay Keasling (University of California, USA) Engineered polyketide synthases: a molecular foundry for chemicals and materials
- Rodrigo Ledesma Amaro (Imperial College London, UK) Advancements in sustainable bioproduction, from engineering individual strains to developing microbial communities
- Tianwei Tan (Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China) Harnessing Renewable Energy for the Biocatalytic Conversion of Carbon Dioxide into Value-Added Fuels and Chemicals
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