BioRiverBoost! 2023 – Far beyond the Rhineland

Participation in BioRiver Boost! is not limited to startup projects and young start-ups from North-Rhine Westphalia. Rather, we invite startup projects from beyond the borders of the federal state to participate in the competition!

Startup projects from all over Germany and other European countries regularly participate in BioRiver Boost! Most recently from Munich (winner 2022, 1st place ) and Luxembourg (finalist).

The reason for this is visible: The BioRiverBoost allows innovative presentations in a biotech/life science strong economic region and access to the network. But also the familiar setting, which offers the opportunity for direct exchange with all stakeholders and experts, is a great added value.

By the way: The winners, no matter where they are based, receive a one-year membership in BioRiver e.V. and can, for example, participate in the BioBusinessDialog, the coveted meeting of CEOs.

Photo: Third place in 2020, winner is CASC8 (Belgium)

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