The place to be: Bayer Crop Science Lifehub Monheim

On September 22, the BioRiverBoost2023! will be awarded at the BIB of Lifehub Monheim.

„A physical space for research, collaboration & dialogue –
LifeHub Monheim aims to grow &accelerateregional innovation in sustainable agricultural as a partner within the scientific & innovation ecosystems of NRW“

Why the location matches so well?
This is shown by the good reasons that become (common) goals.

• Networking with the start-up ecosystem
• Transparency and dialogue with external sustainability and Green Deal
• Open Innovation, Networking with universities and research institutions in the region, attracting innovative talent for the settlement of start-ups
• Promotion of the scientific competence of Bayer
• Use of our skills to cooperate with start ups

By the way: BIO.NRW and BioRiver are also official partners of Lifehub Monheim. We thank you for the successful cooperation – it’s a match!

Those who still want to apply for the BioRiverBoost2023! can find all the information here:
Application deadline is August 15, 2023.

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