… and be better networked
Become a member of BioRiver – Life Science im Rheinland e.V.
BioRiver is the industry association for the biotech and life science industry in the Rhineland in North Rhine-Westphalia. For several decades, the historically grown location of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry has also been economically and scientifically outstanding in biotechnology and the life sciences in a Germany-wide comparison. Our 100 member organisations are global market leaders, including BAYER, Qiagen and Miltenyi Biotec, research and development sites of international corporations, such as LONZA, Charles River, Dynavax or Taconic, medium-sized companies and start-ups. In addition, there are the universities, colleges and academic research institutions, service providers and suppliers, as well as the stakeholders in the industry.
We offer our members a strong network for professional and political engagement and a high-calibre platform for exchange at eye level. The commitment of its members is what sets BioRiver e.V. apart.
Our goal is to network the existing excellent capacities in science and business and to demand and create the framework conditions under which real innovation and economic dynamism can emerge in biotechnology and life sciences.
BioRiver offers a life science specific start-up network from the approx. 150 applicants of the BioRiver Boost! Start-up competition for life science founders since 2014 and about 100 other start-ups and founding teams.
The most important arguments for BioRiver membership as a start-up are the exchange of experience with experienced managers and other life science start-up teams, the visibility in the industry, the voice for start-up issues through the BioRiver board, and last but not least the access to capital and the partly exclusive, free participation in BioRiver events.
- Sichtbarkeit in der Industrie
- Erfahrungsaustausch mit erfahrenen Managern und anderen Gründerteams
- Exklusive Veranstaltungen. Stimme für Gründerbelange. Zugang zu Kapital
Corporations are the giant tanker and start-ups the speedboats? With a BioRiver membership, you promote life science specific innovations that advance your business development. You exchange ideas with internationally renowned scientists. In the BioRiver Board you will meet international opinion leaders in biotechnology from North Rhine-Westphalia. As a member of the BioRiver Boost! jury, you will have a direct view of start-up teams from all over Germany and Europe. With your support, we bring the life sciences into the future.
- Die Zukunft der Life Sciences mitgestalten
- Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Exzellenz. Förderung von Innovation. Austausch auf Augenhöhe.
- Mitarbeit in der BioRiver Boost! Jury – Einblick in relevante Gründungsprojekte in den Life Sciences . Herausgehobene Sichtbarkeit als BioRiver Boost! Gastgeber.
Companies in biotechnology are subject to constant change. No sooner have they outgrown their infancy than the question of a sale arises. Few companies remain small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). In the BioRiver you will meet entrepreneurs with whom you can exchange ideas at eye level. Together, you bring your issues to the attention of politicians. In addition to SMEs, BioRiver members include former spin-offs that are now subsidiaries of international parent companies. The BioBusinessDialogue brings together the management of all companies. Business and science present together at the open network meeting and establish contacts for cooperation projects.
- Austausch auf Augenhöhe
- Exklusive Veranstaltungen sowie Netzwerktreffen für Unternehmen und Wissenschaft
- Gemeinsam in der Politik Gehör verschaffen
The life sciences sector has a special obligation to the general public. BioRiver therefore makes a special effort to engage science and industry in a stronger dialogue and to support technology transfer and start-up activities. Specifically, we provide a platform for academics in events, offer events at the universities aimed at cooperation with the business community or highlight career prospects outside the academy (career days). Our members make themselves available as experts for the needs of life science founders. The BioRiver office works closely with the Start-up Centres and Excellence Start-up Centres of the member universities and colleges.
- Unterstützung beim Technologietransfer und bei Gründungsaktivitäten
- Zusammenarbeit mit Start-up Zentren der Mitglieds-Universitäten
- Plattform für Wissenschaftler aus den Life Sciences
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