Gründerinnen im Fokus (Female founders in focus): impulse, investors, feedback, exchange, pitches. Düsseldorf, 21.11.2024.
Register now.
For female scientists in the life sciences, founders, supporters and stakeholders interested in founding a company.
With Dr. Britta Winterberg founder and managing director of Mycolever, co-founder of Formo.
Organized by BioRiver-Life Science im Rheinland e.V. and MedLife e.V., supported by BIO.NRW and DITEC | Life Science Center Düsseldorf Registration:
- Thursday 21. 11. 2024, start 3 pm. End 6 p.m.
- Location: Conference floor, Life Science Center Düsseldorf, Merowingerplatz 1, 40225 Düsseldorf
- Welcome: BioRiver & MedLife
- Impulse: Dr. Britta Winterberg: Successful investment rounds: The importance of the right investor and storytelling
- Panel discussion
Female founders: Presentation of start-up projects or start-ups and questions in the context of a start-up by all participants.
Feedback from experts Britta Winterberg, Dr. Maria Bräutigam, NRW.BANK, and other experts on recruiting and team building, patents and other important topics.
Registration: Flyer:
Report GiF-Meeting Aachen Report on the GiF-Meeting on 7.11.2024: