Life Science Innovation Trends in Single Cell Analysis #6 // 14.06.2023

With ‘Trends in Single Cell Analysis #6’ we will continue our event format ‘Life Science Innovation’, which provides insights into innova- tive research topics and current developments in Duesseldorf, NRW and beyond.
This time, we have invited Prof. Mette Ørskov Agerbæk from Copenhagen (Denmark) who will tell us a fascinating story about a novel circulating tumor cell (CTC) staining by targeting surface proteoglycans. Dr. Roberto Piñeiro Cid from Santiago de Compostela (Spain) will increase our under- standing how CTC-clusters contribute to breast cancer metastasis.
Last, but not least, from the Heinrich-Heine University Dr. Tobias Lautwein will provide an overview on present single cell applications and data analysis options available at the local Biological and Medical Research Centre (BMFZ).

Hybrid Meeting: LifeSciencenter Düsseldorf und Online

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LifeScienceNet Düsseldorf
Düsseldorfer Innovations- und Technologiezentrum GmbH | Life Science Center Düsseldorf
Merowinger Platz 1a
D-40225 Düsseldorf
T +49 (0)211 – 9131 47-50
F +49 (0)211 – 9131 47-60

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